申请流程 Application

1. 请问我必须以团体身份参会吗?我能否以个人名义参会?
Do I have to participate as a member of delegation (usually a school or an institute) or as a freelance?

BIMUN only accepts group registration. All delegations shall receive the invitation. Registration for individual delegates or observers is NOT accepted.

2. 我从未有过模拟联合国的经验,请问我可以参会吗?
I have never participated in Model United Nations. Can I attend the conference?

With a top academic atmosphere and well-arranged conference order, BIMUN provides young talents with a platform to show their competence and learn from each other. Meanwhile, we will offer sufficient guidance during the pre-conference preparation period, including instructions and lectures for the Rules of Procedure. Delegates can also download relevant guidance documents from (https://bimun.org.cn/). CFAUMUNA and BIMUN sincerely welcome all students interested in MUN.

3. 请问初中生可以申请参会吗?
Can junior high school students apply for the conference?

BIMUN recruits delegates from more than a hundred prestigious universities and senior high schools, and we only accept full-time high school students and college students.

4. 请问我何时能够报名参会?
When can I start my application?

BIMUN2024 的报名通道将于一轮通告发布后开启,报名事宜届时请联系贵校/贵组织的模拟联合国协会负责人或负责贵校的联络专员。
The application channel will open after the release of the first-round announcements. Please contact the leader of your delegation or the Liaison Member in charge of your school if you have questions regrading the application or registration process.

5. 在使用网上报名系统时出现问题怎么办?
What should I do if the online application system breaks down?

If you encounter problems when using the application system, you can contact the Department of Liaison or the technical consultant for professional support. Here is the email address of the technical consultant: tech2024@bimun.org.cn.

6. 请问报名通道何时关闭?
When is the deadline for the application?

The deadline for the application will be stipulated in the first-round announcements. Delegates can consult your group leader or the Liaison after the first-round announcement is published.

7. 请问如何确认缴费成功?
How can I make sure I have paid the registration fee successfully?

Please fill out the payment information checking form and confirm the information with the Liaisons after the payment is completed.

8. 请问可以开具发票吗?
Can I have the receipt/invoice for reimbursement?

The Secretariat of BIMUN can issue invoices for participants who have successfully completed the registration and payment. Please contact the Liaisons if you need a receipt/invoice for reimbursement. If you need the receipt/invoice, you must fill the payment information checking form and contact the Liaisons before the deadline for issuing invoices. After the deadline, NO issue will be accepted.

9. 请问BIMUN是否可以为我出具一份邀请函?
Can BIMUN send me an official Invitation Letter?

The Secretariat of BIMUN can offer formal invitations to participants who have completed registration and payment. Please contact us if you need an official Invitation Letter.

10. 请问指导教师需要注册吗?
Should faculty advisers be formally registered?

BIMUN2024 要求所有代表、指导老师进行注册。代表注册时请务必携带双证件,即身份证及学生证。指导老师请务必携带身份证。
BIMUN2024 requires all delegates and faculty advisers to register.Delegates must bring their ID cards and student ID for registration. Faculty advisers must bring an ID card.

11. 请问观察员的人数受代表席位的影响吗?
Will the number of observers be subject to the seat allocation of delegates?

The number of observers will not be limited by the seat allocation of delegates.

12. 请问我校留学生报名有限制和要求吗?
Are there any restrictions or requirements concerning the application of international or overseas students?

Overseas students who are currently studying in China will NOT be recognized as overseas delegates. They will be considered as members of your school delegation.

13. 请问教师可以以观察员身份参会吗?
Can teachers register as observers to attend the conference?

BIMUN2024 中所有观察员必须具有受邀高校的学生身份,教师需以指导教师身份参加大会。
All observers of BIMUN2024 should be a student of the invited institute/school. Teachers should register as faculty advisers to attend the conference.