The Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations

Topic: Reform of UN Peacekeeping (1995)

Working Language: English

Delegation: Double Delegation (60 delegates)

Rules of Procedure: Beijing Rules of Procedure (Motion-oriented)

Introduction to the Committee and Topic

The Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations, also known as the C34, is a subsidiary body of the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly.

As a unique, multilateral body consisting of 157 Member States, the C34 brings together a wide range of peacekeeping stakeholders, including the Permanent Members of the Security Council, police-contributing countries, leading financial contributors to the peacekeeping budget, several host states and others.

The discussions in our committee will be located on the critical period of transition from second-generation to third-generation peacekeeping operations (1995), during which the United Nations had suffered setbacks in peacekeeping, including the failures of the UNPROFORR, UNAMIR and UNOSOM, which had been challenged to implement reforms of peacekeeping operations. With continuing crises in a number of countries and regions, the essential role of UN Peacekeeping has to be emphatically reaffirmed.

Delegates of all countries decide whether to take on more responsibilities or to return to the “holy trinity” of peacekeeping principles.While our committee has striven hard to address both the symptoms and the root of the problem, our provision of insights and solutions is not without its limits. Delegates are therefore encouraged to conduct extended researches on the topics and complement our imperfections with your own creativity.