其它 Other Questions

1. 我的学校不在邀请名单上,想参会怎么办?
If my school is not on the invitation list, can I participate in the conference?

If your school is not on the invitation list, you may apply for eligibility for BIMUN according to relevant information from the announcement as a school delegation.

2. 请问报名时学测会筛选掉一部分人吗?
Will the Academic Assessment screen out some of the delegates?

The result of the Academic Assessment is mainly used as a reference for the distribution of the role of each delegate and will not affect the eligibility to take part in BIMUN.

3. 我在封校管理的高中/军校就读,平时不可以使用手机或电脑,无法按时通过电子邮件提交立场文件/建议案该怎么办?
What can I do if I am studying in a military school or a strictly-regulated school without access to cellphones or computers, and what if I am thus not able to submit my Position Paper/Call for Action through emails on time?

As an eco-friendly meeting, we suggest all delegates submit their documents online. All documents related to this conference will be displayed and published as electronic versions. If necessary, after receiving application submitted by certain schools as described above, we can mail printed versions of documents and receive hand-written documents from delegates, with the postage and printing fees paid by delegates themselves. Please pay attention, due to the time required for the Director to review pre-conference documents, all printed documents should be mailed out 48 hours prior to the deadline for online submission. The Secretariat only recognize the time sealed on the postmark or the courier receipt. Delegates should provide the package or mail tracking numbers to the Liaisons once the documents are mailed.

NO delay shall be permitted unless the application for submitting printed documents is approved. The delay in submitting documents will be counted into the final evaluation for individual and delegation awards.

How does BIMUN deal with academic misconducts?

BIMUN bears zero tolerance towards any academic misconduct, such as nonstandard citation, documents with an originality rate of less than 80%, or plagiarism. The Secretariat will, as the case may be, directly deprive the delegate of eligibility for attend the meeting and the delegation of the right of awards. The Secretariat reserves the right to identify and interpret academic misconduct.

What can I do if I have further questions?

If you have further questions, you can contact us through our official email: contact@bimun.org.cn. This mailbox is managed by the Secretariat of BIMUN. If you have questions concerning the conference, you may send an email to this address, and the Secretariat provides in-time help. Please include your name, phone number, email address, and other necessary information in your email. You can also visit our official website https://bimun.org.cn or follow our WeChat official account: 外交学院模拟联合国协会CFAUMUNA for more information.